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69 Day Giving Challenge – Day 3

Marlon Gaitor Memorial Fund
Chris Dessi Avatar

Something really cool has happened this time around with my giving challenge.  Friends and family are reaching out with their own stories, or stories of their friends and family. I love this.  It tells me that we’re creating a bigger ripple of impact than previously thought.

A few days ago Eve Paletta-Weaver (I was in school with Eve’s older sister Laura) reached out to me.  She told me a heartbreaking story about her dear friend and neighbor Cathy.  Apparently Cathy is dealing with some serious hardships and Eve wanted my advice on how to help. I listened to her story, which you can read more about below.  After hearing her story I recommended that Eve create a GiveForward.com account on behalf of her friend which she did.  My gift is three-fold.

1. Helping Eve create the fundraising site

2. Telling all of you about Eve’s deserving friend Cathy.

3. Donating a few of my own dollars to help Cathy through a very difficult patch in her life.

Eve’s description of why her friend needs your help is as follows:

Cathy is a perfect friend who needs our support. In 6 months she went from newlywed to mom to widow.

Read below to learn more and to donate.  Happy giving!

To learn more about why I’m giving a gift every day for 69 days, please read this If you have any ideas where I can give, what I can give, or how I can go about giving please either email me at chrisdessi@silverbacksocial.com, text or call 646 645 4171, comment  below or find me on Twitter @chrisdessi

Learn about Successful Fundraiser Ideas

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One response to “69 Day Giving Challenge – Day 3”

  1. […] What you appreciate appreciates – Chris is always looking for ways to help others and has been a part of multiple well-documented giving challenges thathave really helped people. […]