December 19, 2022
8 Critical Steps to Becoming a Great Leader
Being a great leader involves a combination of several different qualities and skills. Here are some key things to keep in mind if you want to be a great leader:
Why Your Boss Needs to Stop Telling You to Be Resilient
Resilience is an important trait for individuals to possess, as it helps them bounce back from adversity and challenges. However, bosses should never tell an employee to be resilient, as this places an unfair burden on the employee and shifts the responsibility for addressing workplace issues onto them.
The Mind-Blowing Magic of Meeting Free Days
Meetings are an essential part of any business or organization, but they can also be a major time drain and a source of stress. That’s why it’s important to have meeting-free days in your schedule. Here are a few reasons why you need meeting-free days:
5 Steps to Reclaiming Your Happiness in 2023
Happiness is a subjective and elusive concept that can be difficult to define and even harder to attain. However, there are certain things that can contribute to our overall sense of well-being and contentment. Here are a few secrets to finding happiness in life:
4 Reasons Toxic Work Culture Is Driving The Great Resignation
Toxic work cultures can have serious negative effects on employees, leading to increased stress, burnout, and even physical and mental health issues. These negative impacts can ultimately result in a phenomenon known as the “Great Resignation,” where employees choose to leave their jobs in search of a healthier and more positive work environment.