Social Media is Appropriate for Every Business …Period.

About 6 months ago my Father hesitantly asked me a favor. He’d scheduled an appointment with his friends and long-time financial advisors from Morgan Stanley Smith Barney: Richard L. Schneider and Ira Bauman. Dad is living with ALS (aka Lou Gherig’s disease), and is in a wheelchair. Requests like this have become the norm around our house. If I can’t help Mom and Dad, my brother steps in.

In Business, Hugs Matter. Seriously.

I love to hug. Really, I do. I’m pretty good at it too- at least my daughters seem to think so. I thought I was up there in “hugger ranking” until last week when I met a special guy named Martin Rubin.

Marty Rubin of Spectramedia
Marty Rubin of Spectremedia

I met Marty at an event where I was invited to speak. I was there to speak about social media to the good folks at the New Jersey Bank Marketing Association. My good friend Scott Agnoli, VP of Marketing with Investors Bank had invited me, and requested that I help educate the people in the audience, but I was the one who walked away with the biggest lesson. Let me explain: