Powerful Reasons Why Wall Street Got it Wrong with Twitter

Powerful Reasons Why Wall Street Got it Wrong with Twitter

Two weeks ago I went on CNN to discuss my views on Twitter and Facebook’s earnings. I explained that my agency only publishes social content on platforms that work for our clients. Right now the holy trinity is Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. If wall street analysts are watching the car race from home (viewing who is in the lead, and seeing the crowd’s reaction) – than we’re driving the car with our clients riding shot gun. We feel the bumps on the road, see the potholes ahead and can hear the dings in the engine.

One Simple Life Hack to Help You Create Good Habits

One Simple Life Hack to Help You Create Good Habits

I don’t pretend to have all the answers. But lately I’ve been implementing a little trick that has helped me. I think it can help you too.

My agency is growing. We have amazing clients. We also produce a world class conference. The conference and the clients are synergistic events on paper. In execution they are at odds. One takes from the other in time, energy and sweat equity. I needed to clone myself, or find a solution.

3 Powerful Reasons Why Some Smart Executives Hate Social Media

3 Powerful Reasons Why Some Smart Executives Hate Social Media

My brother calls Twitter “The Tweeter machine.” He’s 42. He’s educated. Over educated, one could argue. He’s a lawyer. He passed the bar exam. He’s a partner in his law firm. He says “Tweeter Machine” in jest. Because I enjoy it.

But – there doth be some truth behind those lies.

He picks fun at himself before I can pick at him. Such a lame thing for an older brother to do. That’s the tool of the younger sibling. But I digress.