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We All Have Our Breaking Point

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It was 2007, and I worked at Azoogle (now, defunct). At the time, a multi–million dollar ad network. We ruled the tooth whitening, colon cleansing, date getting, and ring tone peddling portion of the Internet.

The founders, Joe Speiser, and Alex Zhardanovsky had created one of the most amazing work environments I’d ever experienced. Both Alex & Joe have continued to innovate and have since launched the incredibly successful Petflow. Back then we all worked like crazy, churned out sales, and made good money. I loved every minute of it.

Well, almost every minute.

It all changed when I was given my seat in our new office.

The office was almost fully open plan, and I had the worst seat in the house. Our previous office was gorgeous, but too small for our growing company. In this office, we had to endure the constant din of power tools throughout most of the day.

Dust, noise, and faulty air conditioning aren’t a good start to any working day, but we understood we had moved to this new larger space because we were growing and improving.

To get to my desk after stepping off the elevator, you had to navigate over the “red carpet” of dirty cardboard protecting the floor, which had been strategically placed by construction workers.

The builders worked around the clock to eventually transform our dustbin into a stunning work place (I didn’t stay long enough to experience the finished product).

As visitors entered the main office space my desk was the first thing they’d see. Or more accurately— the growing bald spot on the back of my head was the first thing they’d see.

Engrossed in my work, I usually didn’t even notice the arrival of a new visitor. Delivery people would drop their packages with me. Interviewees would nervously ask to see the boss.

Personally, I felt ready for the next step in my career, and my new seating arrangement was the nudge I needed to make a change. I also desperately wanted to be a vice president. While I loved my colleagues, and Joe & Alex had given me the opportunity to flourish, I was ready to leave. I respected my boss Brett Lofgren, but I wanted his job, and he wasn’t planning on going anywhere.

At that moment, in the middle of the open floor plan in 2007, I decided I wanted out.I wanted more control, and the freedom to do things my way.

So I decided to take control of my destiny. And I started a blog.

  • That blog led to me become a thought leader in digital.
  • Which led to my first Vice Presidency role at a new company.
  • Which led to me getting involved in social media.
  • Which led me to being “discovered” by a television producer.
  • Which led to me launching my own Agency.
  • Which led me to launching the Westchester Digital Summit.

All because I hated my new desk.

What’s it going to take for you to take control? Have you had your moment already?

Follow me on Linkedin here.

Photo credit: Shutterstock


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