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The Power of Reputation

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shutterstock_225290305A few years ago something happened that blew my mind that I think is worth talking about again here.

First let me start by saying this – I think Brian Solis is brilliant. Not that out of reach brilliance reserved for the Einsteins of the world, but real, everyday, brilliance. Brian has the uncanny ability to break down ideas into easily digestible bits, and present them in such a way that you smack your forehead and say to yourself:

I knew that to be true, I just couldn’t articulate it.

I love his books, I admire the way his brain works, and I love reading the content he publishes on his blog.

Which brings me to the point of my post:

I noticed something with Brian that I had suspected before, but never really had it so clearly illustrated for me until this one event. Brian had created a blog post called “The 6 Pillars of Social Commerce: Understanding the Psychology of Engagement.

At the time of my viewing Brian’s post it only had 1 read (it had just been posted), yet it had already been shared numerous times (176 times to be exact).

Which begs the question –

Do people automatically share content that someone of Brian’s reputation creates before reading it?

And if so – has he built a reputation so airtight that it happens with all of the new content he generates?

I’m not really sure where I stand on this, but I do know it’s a fascinating observation, and I’m interested in hearing from you. What do you think is happening here?

I also find it hugely ironic that Brian’s post that was minimally viewed, and hyper shared contained content that described the very behavior that the post experienced.

Like I said – my mind has been blown.

Maybe this is just the social media version of the Halo Effect?

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