Transcript:Your15minutes Radio on Blog Talk Radio
Chris DessiTomorrow evening Iโll be participating once again in Blog Talk Radioโs โ Your15MinutesRadio show. Iโve been piecing together the transcript for my show thinking of ideas, and trying to determine exactly what Iโll be talking abut, when I though it would be helpful to post the transcript from the first show – enjoy!
More Social Media for Beginners: 4 Tips on Blogging
Chris DessiAfter a phenomenal response from last week series regarding social media for beginners, I thought Iโd take the next step to help usher you along to success in social media. Today, Iโd like to touch base on next steps for blogging.
Social Media for Beginners: What to Blog About?
Chris DessiAfter receiving such amazing feedback regarding last weeks five part series for beginners in social media, I felt that I would continue to build on the manner in which business owners can find topics to blog about.