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Transcript:Your15minutes Radio on Blog Talk Radio

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Tomorrow evening I’ll be participating once again in Blog Talk Radio’s – Your15MinutesRadio show. I’ve been piecing together the transcript for my show thinking of ideas, and trying to determine exactly what I’ll be talking abut, when I though it would be helpful to post the transcript from the first show – enjoy!

Thank you Angel There are so many exciting things happening in the social media ecosystem, however for our listeners tonight I’d like to focus on some basic Social Media tips firstly for brands, and secondly for personal brands.

Let’s start with BRANDS 

Today, more than ever brands have the ability to engage with their consumers. The key for brands who want to make money in social media is to stop trying to make money, and generate useful content for their community, and empowering their brand advocates to be their online cheerleaders in the social places. Effectively marketing to and through their brand advocates. Drive Action Digital coaches our brand clients to flip the marketing funnel. So if you can imagine at the top of the funnel, a brand may have print, TV, SEM, and display advertising, and as you reach the bottom of that funnel you have a conversion event like a purchase. The mistake many brands make is that they place social media at the top of the funnel included in the marketing mix. Drive Action Digital advises our clients to place social media at the bottom of the funnel after the conversion event. If you’ve executed effectively, when you reach your consumers in the social places, those brand advocates will effectively enhance all of your marketing efforts throughout the funnel.

Personal Brands 

Regarding personal brands, Drive Action Digital works with many celebrities and high profile executives. Personal brands can establish and enhance the influence level, power and identity of your personal brand online, allowing you to direct your engaged community to any online place you choose. Today by leveraging social media; there is a new way to sell. The manner in which we aggregate and disseminate information as a culture has changed; therefore you must be discoverable at every stage. When someone conducts a Google search on your name you can effectively “own” the message in those results by generating great blog posts, posting engaging and interesting facebook statuses, and sharing interesting tweets. Effectively pre-qualifying the buyer before they even get to you. I think my time is up, this has been Chris Dessi, Managing Partner of Drive Action Digital for the Social Media Minute on Your15Minutes Radio– Please find me on Twitter if you have any additional commentary or questions – my handle is @cdessi Over and Out.  Your 15 Minutes Radio

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