5 Ways New York’s Grand Hyatt is Harnessing the Power of Foursquare & Twitter

Yesterday was an exciting day for the Drive Action Digital team. We spend most of our day in great meetings with clients, Lifesta and Audition Booth. Both teams are young, exciting and ready to take on the world. We’re blessed to have the opportunity to work with such inspiring and brilliant people. As we wrapped up with Lifesta and Audition Boot, we headed to the Fox studios where my business partner and founder of Drive Action Digital Anthony Zarro filmed a spot which will air early next week. Not bad for a chilly December Thursday, right?

Personal Branding Facebook Fail

Last week I “liked” a network news Facebook page. Very soon afterward, I received what seemed to be an auto generated email via Facebook from “Joey”. He was pleasant, engaging and fully transparent that he was working with a weatherman at this network. He asked that since I had recently liked the network page, if I could “like” weather man’s page. I thought this is fantastic, someone that “gets it”. personal branding drive action digital chris dessi So I went for it. Why not, this was a great way to get fans to engage with the weatherman – I was already a fan of the network, so why not?