69 Day Giving Challenge – Day 14

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This one may seem minor – but today’s gift was simply holding the door for one of my neighbors in Chappaqua. I was walking into Dunkin Donuts. When I opened the door, the guy must have been 15 feet from the door. I stepped back, re-opened the door I had just walked through and let him pass. He seemed pretty pleased by the gesture and thanked me. Some gifts don’t have to cost a thing.

Photo Credit – notenoughgood.com/

To learn more about why I’m giving a gift every day for 69 days, please read this If you have any ideas where I can give, what I can give, or how I can go about giving please either email me at chrisdessi@silverbacksocial.com, text or call 646 645 4171, comment  below or find me on Twitter@chrisdessi

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