I feel silly posting another gift that happened while getting coffee – I think this may be my 5th or 6th gift that’s happened in a Starbucks or a Dunkin Donuts.  I guess it’s apparent that I enjoy my daily jolt of caffeine. America, and Chris Dessi run on Dunkin Donuts. So this morning was like any other morning, only this time  – the woman behind our counter at Dunkin Donuts had her hair done differently. Her name is Blanca, and she’s lovely. She’s the only one that remembers my order. She usually starts pouring my coffee before I even get on the line.  I get up to the counter and it’s ready to go.  She looked pretty this morning, and I told her so – loudly.  So loudly in fact that other patrons turned to me laughing and agreeing. It was a nice little moment.  Goes to show that all gifts don’t have to cost a thing.
To learn more about why I’m giving a gift every day for 69 days, please read this If you have any ideas where I can give, what I can give, or how I can go about giving please either email me at chrisdessi@silverbacksocial.com, text or call 646 645 4171, comment  below or find me on Twitter @chrisdessi