69 Day Giving Challenge – Day 18

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I’m heading home today from a few days in Texas. This morning a car service picked me up. My driver was awesome. A father of 5 kids retired Army veteran – just a fantastic all around guy. We discussed some of his best customers (Tom Hanks), and worst (soccer moms). I’m still laughing about that one. We chatted about Tim Russert, Timothy Mcveigh and Oklahoma City Bombing. We discussed Wounded Warriors and his connection to the movie Lone Survivor. Apparently he knows one of the men who were tasked with extracting the lone survivor. Wow. After he dropped me off, I got out and explained to him why I’m doing this, and handed him a $20 bill. I told him he could do whatever he liked with the $20, but it would be cool if he decided to pay it forward to someone – buy a coffee or something. He seemed genuinely surprised and pleased. I felt amazing giving it to him, but as I walked away I realized I never got his name. If you’re reading this Sir – please comment below and let me know who you are?

To learn more about why I’m giving a gift every day for 69 days, please read this If you have any ideas where I can give, what I can give, or how I can go about giving please either email me at chrisdessi@silverbacksocial.com, text or call 646 645 4171, comment  below or find me on Twitter @chrisdessi


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