7 Powerful Questions

As the short work week winds down, and we begin to prepare for the festivities for Thanksgiving, I thought it might be interesting to take a step back to reflect upon the true essence of what Thanksgiving is all about. I got to thinking about how lucky I am, and about all of the people, and things I’m grateful for in my life. Here’s my list of 100 things I’m grateful for – I encourage you to do the same. You’ll be shocked how many good things there are in your life. Use this as a tool to help to keep you on track when you feel like things aren’t going your way, or when you feel like there’s nothing in life to be grateful for. Add to the list as you go. I started this list as the 50 things that I’m grateful for and I couldn’t stop. I’m truly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Peddle Downhill: 4 Mistakes to Avoid When Seeking Your Dream Job

I remember riding my bike that one summer day with my big brother Mark. We were riding side by side “Chips” style when it started. We’d been casually gliding down a hill around the corner from my house. We were probably on our way to a pick-up baseball game at a friend’s house. Maybe I was 10 and he was 12 – who can remember. What I do remember is that we were gliding down a hill when I decided I wasn’t going fast enough. I wanted to push it a little; you know, drop the hammer. So I started to peddle downhill. Mark, who has always been more of a break down hill type of guy, began to immediately let me know his unease with my sudden burst of peddling fury. As I began pulling past him down the hill I heard his voice trail off as I blew past, and continued down the hill “Chris, you don’t peddle downhill, you BREAK downhill”. I could barely make out the last few words, but I got the gist. I didn’t care, I wanted to peddle. By now I was hunched over, leaning into the wind which was making my eyes tear. I was peddling as hard as I could downhill. It felt amazing; I was pushing myself to the limit. It felt right, it felt comfortable; I was following my bliss, finding my voice, and peddling downhill.

Rest in Peace Sean Lugano May 24, 1973 – September 11, 2001

Wikipedia defines the September 11 attacks as “a series of coordinated suicide attacks by Al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001″. For the Lugano family it was the day their son Sean died.

This Friday marks the 8th anniversary of this tragic event, and I can’t help but think of the Luganos.

On the website “Friends of Sean Lugano” Sean’s mother Eileen Lugano says “I called him my perfect child.” I only knew Sean as captain of my Rugby Team at Loyola College, and I cannot imagine the hurt their family feels.

Growing up Gotti

Growing up Gotti

They say kids today are growing up spoiled. They say that while we were out toiling at summer jobs that gave us blisters and sunburn this generation is strutting around with an air of entitlement; content to accept only the highest pay for the least amount of work.

They’re wrong.