
6 Tenets of Social Media

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Understand the Law of the Few

  • Brand Advocacy is more important than brand image or brand satisfaction
  • 10% influence purchasing behavior of other 90%

Understand that you must tell stories

  • Why do you do what you do?
  • What  are you passionate about?
  • How can you make people’s lives better?
  • Add value through content
  • Produce a high volume of high quality content

Understand that Brand Advocacy is more important than brand image or brand satisfaction

  • 10% influence purchasing behavior of other 90%

Understand it’s about Relationships 

  • Links are IMPORTANT
  • 100 people = 4900 possible links
  • 1000 people = 500,000 possible links
  • Six degrees of separation concept

Understand HOMOPHILY

  • Birds of a feather flock together
  • Clusters – Interests, hobbies, beliefs, age, gender, social class, ethnicity, religion, values, politics, geography, education, occupation

Understand that you must delight them

  • 91% likely to purchase after they hear a recommendation
  • You must connect with the influencers

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