College Students: Four Easy Steps to Clean Up Your Facebook Page Before the Big Interview

I’m usually pretty liberal with the conent that I allow on Facebook – this is mostly because I’m a 37 year old married father of two, not a 21 year old about to graduate from College. The most scandelous photos that I’m tagged in usually involved baby vomit, not me vomiting at a frat party. However, when a photo popped up of my brother and I after having thrown back a few at a Villanova homecoming weekend (circa 1993?) It dawned on me that some photos that upcoming College graduates have on their current Facebook pages may not be as appropriate as others, and perhaps it was worth taking a closer look. So I started to poke around and found something really refreshing: Facebook is making it easier for us to curate our content. In this instance “curating” is just nice way of saying – delete all of the pics you don’t want your future boss to see. Phew! Here are three easy steps to help you curate away:

Social Week Gives Back

Big things are happening. Next week I’m honored to host and present during Social Week’s special event called “Social Week Gives Back.” This special event will take place over the course of five days next week. It will be held in each of the five boroughs of New York City. Here’s the schedule – follow the links for registration details.

The Future of Social Media is You

Last week I was honored to lecture to a group of MBA students at my Alma Mater Loyola University Maryland. I’m always thrilled when I have the chance to get back to Baltimore to help my fellow Greyhounds – but I get particular enjoyment when the people I speak with get it.

In Business, Hugs Matter. Seriously.

I love to hug. Really, I do. I’m pretty good at it too- at least my daughters seem to think so. I thought I was up there in “hugger ranking” until last week when I met a special guy named Martin Rubin.

Marty Rubin of Spectramedia
Marty Rubin of Spectremedia

I met Marty at an event where I was invited to speak. I was there to speak about social media to the good folks at the New Jersey Bank Marketing Association. My good friend Scott Agnoli, VP of Marketing with Investors Bank had invited me, and requested that I help educate the people in the audience, but I was the one who walked away with the biggest lesson. Let me explain:

The Secret to Getting a Job in Social Media

A few months ago I was invited to visit my Alma mater Loyola University in Baltimore to lecture about how students can leverage social media to get a job. Hire Me! When I lecture I love to offer real life examples of how students can leverage the free tools at their disposal to gain employment. I included an outline of Dan Herbert – a college student who was using social media to it’s fullest. He wanted to work in social media, so he was actively engaged in social media (what a novel idea). I also spoke about how I had creatively sought a job in social by launching I love helping people engage in social media, and I love lecturing, just love it. Because I love it so much, and because everyone that knows me understands this about me – I’m lucky enough to speak with some great young people about their careers.