69 Day Gift Giving Challenge – Day 10
My gift today is more of an acknowledgement than anything. It’s an acknowledgment that my Chief Marketing Officer at Silverback Social, John Zanzarella is one of the best dudes I know. ย Frankly, he’s been a gift for me in my…
4 Steps to Better Thinking for Your Business
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it soโ โ Shakespeare. Here are four ways to provoke thought that work for my team that I’d like to share: 1. Start with Simple. Understand the simple stuff deeply….
Want to Be Successful? Get Angry
We’re human, every single one of us. We feel happy, and sometimes we feel smart. Other times we feel stupid. We enjoy feeling loved. We cringe when we feel hated. We all get angry for sure. Some handle it better than others. Sometimes in my life I’ve been quick to anger.
3 Steps to Achieving Greatness
A few weeks ago I gave a speech during Catalyst Week. My agency Silverback Social was co-curating the week’s events. I wrote a post here on Linkedin entitled “Whatโs the ROI of Tony Hsiehโs Downtown Project & Catalyst Week?” sharing…
An Open Letter to Everyone Who Wants to be Great
Work Like Your Life Depends On it Today, I want you to work hard. Harder than you’ve ever worked. I want you to work with all of your heart and will all of the passion you can muster so that…