5 Ways New York’s Grand Hyatt is Harnessing the Power of Foursquare & Twitter

Yesterday was an exciting day for the Drive Action Digital team. We spend most of our day in great meetings with clients, Lifesta and Audition Booth. Both teams are young, exciting and ready to take on the world. We’re blessed to have the opportunity to work with such inspiring and brilliant people. As we wrapped up with Lifesta and Audition Boot, we headed to the Fox studios where my business partner and founder of Drive Action Digital Anthony Zarro filmed a spot which will air early next week. Not bad for a chilly December Thursday, right?

A Pastor, Italian Guy, & Attorney Walk Into a Bar…in Mahopac, New York

The real punch line here is that I have this overwhelming sense that my fifteen minutes of fame is at about minute fourteen. Tuesday I spent another dizzying afternoon at the Fox TV studios. We filmed three segment s (two of which you can see below). The third will air next week sometime, and will feature tips on BlackFriday, and include details on Best Buy, Target, Truman’s Gentlemen’s Groomers, Groupon, and Lifesta. Once again – the people at Fox are amazing. I even ended up at a local watering hole with the producer Jason after we filmed the segments. Awesome. Best part about this whole experience on Tuesday was being able to mention both my buddy Jeremy Lichtenberger, and my hometown Mahopac. While I currently reside in Chappaqua, NY – Mahopac is still near and dear to my heart.

Fox News, Family, Friends & Facebook Made My Day

esterday was perhaps the best work day I’ve had in my entire career. I started the day at the office with my business partner, and founder of Drive Action Digital, Anthony Zarro. We had just recieved our new laptops in the mail. Like two little kids on Christmas morning, we busily set up our laptops, and started to get our desks in order. After working for a few hours, we headed down to the city together to meet with one of our most exciting clients – Lifesta. I’m going to tell you more about Lifesta soon enough, but you should know this – they are going to be huge. They’re changing the game of online couponing as we know it. Stay tuned for more! Finally, yesterday evening I was lucky enough to appear again on Fox TV. I was asked to come in to chat about Facebook’s new messaging platform. We chatted, and had a great time. It’s funny that I had no idea we were broadcasting live. In hindesight, it’s better that I didn’t know, I think I would have been more nervous!

5 Killer Steps to Success in Social Media

Hey Brands: here’s a gift from me to you:gift Everything has changed!

If you have a business today, you must be engaged in social media, period. The barrier to entry is low, the engagement is swift, and the results can change your business for the better (if done properly).

Follow these 5 tips on how to engage in social media and you’ll be off to the races

5 Surprising Ways Social Media Can Make You a Better Person

5 Surprising Ways Social Media Can Make You a Better Person

’ve been blogging for a few years now. Initially I started blogging while I was working at Performance Based Ad Network Azoogle (Epic Ads). Back then my posts revolved solely around which offers I felt were performing best on the network. I was finding my voice and only updating once in a blue moon. Now that I’m immersed in Social Media, I find that I cover topics effecting the social media ecosystem most often. However, I do offer personal information on my blog posts: See “Open Letter to My Wife”, or “Open Letter to Papa”. These posts were cathartic, and have added a layer to my blog I never expected to be there. Blogging has helped me in business, and my personal life as well. It’s become a personal journal. I’ve chronicled my journey through unemployment, exhilarating moments with family, interesting friends, business decisions and tid-bits of entertainment.