Recently I was at a family party chatting with my Uncle Joe. We were discussing the progress of my training to run in this years ING New York City Marathon. I’m running with the ALS Association to raise money for Joe’s baby brother, and my Father Adrian.
During our conversation I shared that while running I would (a bit obsessively) listen to audiobooks. Uncle Joe has completed the New York City Marathon a few times when he was younger. So before leaving the party he pulled me aside and offered some amazing advice. He recommended I try running without my headphones in. He recounted stories about the joy he found from running and being able to be alone to his own thoughts during his training, (even praying) while running. I was intrigued so I took his advice. I dropped my headphones, and now I’m finding a new joy from my runs. I’m not telling you this story to give you any advice about training for a marathon. I’m telling you the story because now when I run (with no headphones on) – I can feel r-e-a-l-l-y feel my body. It also reminds me why I’m running. Just paying attention to my breath, my legs, my arms, and what my stride feels like all serve as a reminder that my Dad can’t do any of it.
Dad is living with ALS (better known as Lou Gehrig’s disease). I’ve written about Dad on this blog before. He’s my hero and he’s facing the biggest challenge of his life. Dad has always helped me when I needed him. So I hope in some small way, my running in this years ING New York City Marathon will help him. I’m running the marthon to raise money to “Strike Out ALS”
For those of you that don’t know what ALS is, or how it manifests itself, you should know that it’s fatal and there is no cure. So my Father, while living with the disease, has been given a death sentence. I don’t tell you this for your pity, we (the Dessi family) don’t need pity. We need action. We need a coordinated event to help strike out this horrible disease.
I’m asking for your support. Please follow this LINK and donate today. It doesn’t have to be a ton of money – $5 is great, $20 is better, $50 is amazing …every single bit counts. This disease has robbed my father of so much. Please help. It’s time to fight back.
Thank you.