Dear Brand Manager,
Social media can be a scary, fragmented experience, I get it. The Social Media ecosystem is already alive and well, and whether you like it or not, social media is already “happening” to your brand. People are Tweeting about your product, adding Facebook statuses about your services, and generally talking about you to their friends. It’s our job to figure out what the general energy of that dialogue is (positive, or negative) and help you become a part of the conversation.
I recommend something earth shattering: Join them!
Engage with them, and hear what they have to say. My hope is that you won’t be “precious”, and you’ll come along for the ride. Let down your guard. Don’t take your brand too seriously. The reality is that your brand is what your brand advocates say it is, not what you tell them it is.
Who knows, you may learn something new about your brand? You may define a new niche. You may reach a new segment of users. Instead of following a linear progression:
- Initiator
- Influencer
- Decider
- Buyer
- User
You can touch each of those stages in the sales funnel and influence your brand advocates to engage their community of friends and family in your favor at any stage.
Let go and fly.
Chris Dessi