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Are We Too Obsessed with Facebook?

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Yesterday, Mashable posted  a phenomenal info-graphic that I thought I’d share with you.  What’s fascinating to me isn’t just the statistics about users who have profiles on Facebook. The more exciting information has to do with what we’re doing with Facebook, and just how ingrained into our society the site has become.  I’ve mentioned in the past how exciting it is that there are 500million Facebook users globally, but the real key to why Facebook has such an astronomical valuation deals with the idea that of those 500 million 250million log in each day.  Facebook has become as much of our daily lives as checking our email.

They have done the impossible and transcended just being a business, and become a part of the human fiber of life.   While it may not always be this way, the info-graphic has some powerful reminders that today, in this moment Facebook is, for many “the internet”.  The source of the info-graphic is from Social Hype and Onlineschools.org

Obsessed with Facebook Online Schools

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