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    69 Day Giving Challenge โ€“ Day 6


    This gift seems like a small one, but it went a long way. Let me explain. One of my best friends in the world is Anthony Pace. This is our second year making homemade wine together. We have a blast…

  • Chris Dessi's Grandfather
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    5 Things My Grandpa Taught Me That Will Change Your Life


    He replied from his bed โ€œgood morning.โ€ Those would be his last words. That evening Papa passed away. It was 16 years ago today.

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    We All Have Our Breaking Point


    It was 2007, and I worked at Azoogle (now, defunct). At the time, a multiโ€“million dollar ad network. We ruled the tooth whitening, colon cleansing, date getting, and ring tone peddling portion of the Internet.

  • Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash
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    5 Simple Steps to Success


    We all have fear. Some are innate, activating our fight-or-flight instincts. Some fear, however, is learned. That fear is insidious. It seeps into our unconscious paralyzing us to the point where we choose โ€œsafetyโ€ over the pursuit of our passions. I believe that โ€œlearned fearโ€ is the disease of our time. Battle it by taking…

  • Pat Dessi

    I Love You Mom: A Motherโ€™s Day Tribute


    Mom embodies, the true ideal of โ€œthrough sickness and in health.โ€ Mom is the thankless soldier, taking on the burden of the entire troop. Her head is bloodied, but unbowed.

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    I’m a Loser


    Iโ€™m a loser. Really, I am. Iโ€™ve had my ass kicked so many times Iโ€™ve stopped counting. Iโ€™ve been fired more times than I care to remember. Three times in less than two years in fact. I have scars. Deep ugly jagged cuts that at times have left me bleeding on the ground. Thatโ€™s precisely…

  • Chris Dessi Catalyst Week
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    3 Steps to Achieving Greatness


    A few weeks ago I gave a speech during Catalyst Week. My agency Silverback Social was co-curating the week’s events. I wrote a post here on Linkedin entitled “Whatโ€™s the ROI of Tony Hsiehโ€™s Downtown Project & Catalyst Week?” sharing…

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    Baby Steps


    Iโ€™m not a runner โ€“ but Iโ€™m training for the New York City Marathon. Iโ€™m doing it to raise moneyand awareness for a horrible disease that my father is living with called ALS(Lou Gehrigโ€™s disease). Iโ€™ve been training since the first week in July. I started slowly. Only 3 miles on the first day. Concluding…