Social Media is Still a Shiny New Toy

Social Media is Still a Shiny New Toy

The gap is getting wider. I see it everywhere. There are smart people, with big degrees, that work at great companies that make very good livings who don’t have the first clue about social media. They think it’s a choice.

They’re not on Twitter, they don’t use Linkedin, and God forbid if they were ever seen on Facebook. It’s still a tinker toy. It’s fun and games, and they’re real business people with limited time. Why would they add to the ever-growing pile “to-do’s” by joining these social networks anyway? They socialize with the people they want to already. They don’t need to connect with those people from High School, they don’t want to know what you had for lunch, and they certainly don’t want to share where they’re eating lunch. They want their privacy. They value one on one interaction. Face to face. A handshake. Look me in the eye. Stop looking at your iPhone and look me in the eye!