
69 Day Giving Challenge – Day 8

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The gift giving bug has been passed around Facebook like wildfire.  After seeing yesterday’s gift from my friend John Praino, another Mahopac guy – wrestling legend John Degl reached out to me to offer another gift.  So I posted this on Facebook.

Dear Parents – we have a special gift to give today. It’s donated by a Mahopac Wrestling legend and good friend John Degl. John runs Iowa Style Wrestling. He got wind of my 69 Day Giving Challenge, and reached out and wrote the following “I’ll donate a 6 month membership to a kid who wants to wrestle but can’t afford it.” I wrestled for three years in middle school and loved every second of it. It’s an amazing sport.
Parents, please pass this along to a deserving family. This is a HUGE gift. HUGE. Could change your child’s life!!! Pass it on guys.

Learn more about John’s business Iowa Style Wrestling here. 

Now here’s the rub …Nobody has claimed this highly specialized gift.  It’s for a unique kid, and I need your help to find him. He needs to be dedicated to wrestling, and want to improve. Please send me an email at chrisdessi@silverbacksocia.com or find me on Twitter @chrisdessi and let me know who should receive this wildly generous gift.

To learn more about why I’m giving a gift every day for 69 days, please read this If you have any ideas where I can give, what I can give, or how I can go about giving please either email me at chrisdessi@silverbacksocial.com, text or call 646 645 4171, comment  below or find me on Twitter @chrisdessi

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