Fox News, Ernie Anastos, Facebook, & Me?

his past Wednesday I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

At 2pm I received a call from producer, Jason Hartelius at Fox. He was producing a story, and was interested in getting my opinion regarding social media – wow. “Chris, can you be here by 6:30pm”…uhm, yes, of course.

Nice Guys Win in Social Media

Last year I spent a phenomenal three days at the Web 2.0 conference. While there I had the opportunity to hear from Bob Buch of Digg. Bob said something that stuck with me, and I believe still resonates today:

“Social Media is the ultimate Bullshit meter.”

An Open Letter to Brands

Dear Brand Manager,

Social media can be a scary, fragmented experience, I get it. The Social Media ecosystem is already alive and well, and whether you like it or not, social media is already “happening” to your brand. People are Tweeting about your product, adding Facebook statuses about your services, and generally talking about you to their friends. It’s our job to figure out what the general energy of that dialogue is (positive, or negative) and help you become a part of the conversation.

Facebook, Twitter, You Name It. Social Media is “Happening” to your Brand – Whether You Like It or Not.

About a year ago I met with a luxury watch manufacturer that I love. I say I” love” them because I own one of their watches, and it holds huge sentimental value for me. I approached the company with the idea that if I could speak to the decision makers I would most certainly convince them that if it were done properly, they could leverage the awesome power of Facebook and Twitter to change the game of selling luxury watches. Connect with brand advocates like myself, I told them, and you’ll tap into a community that will do the marketing for you. Offer them the tools to communicate how much they love you, and they’ll have a field day.

Facebook Fan Pages: Why It’s Important For Fans to “Like” Your Brand

A Facebook fan page can be one of, if not the most important extension of your brand in the social media ecosystem. Facebook now has over 500 million people using it’s service. The reality of that number means that Facebook has created it’s own Internet within in the Internet. Some people log into their account in the morning, and keep that Facebook window open aChris Dessi look up Interactivell day.

5 Killer Steps to Success in Social Media

Hey Brands: here’s a gift from me to you:gift Everything has changed!

If you have a business today, you must be engaged in social media, period. The barrier to entry is low, the engagement is swift, and the results can change your business for the better (if done properly).

Follow these 5 tips on how to engage in social media and you’ll be off to the races