Father’s Day

Father’s Day

When I was in 8th grade I barked at my Dad over something foolish, ran to my room, and locked the door. He knocked the door off its hinges without even slowing his pace. From that day forward I was no longer allowed to have a lock on my door. I deserved it. I was being a smart mouth, and I knew it.

Happy Mother’s Day to My Mother Pat Dessi

Happy Mother’s Day to My Mother Pat Dessi

Mother’s Day just came to a close (phew). After spending the day with my gorgeous wife, two beautiful little girls, and Mother & Father I felt it was appropriate to take a minute and acknowledge my amazing Mother. For those that know her, this post is a no brainer. Mom is truly amazing. A colleague recently poked fun at my business partner and dear friend Anthony Zarro and Myself for being “Mamma’s boys”….we both embraced the term, and agreed that our admiration for our Mothers runs deep. Maybe it’s an Italian thing, or maybe it’s a parent thing (when you finally become a parent you start to realize just how special these women are). Personally I think the world is a better place with my Mother in it.

A Mother’s Day Tribute

A Mother’s Day Tribute

As I write this, I’m sitting on the floor in JFK airport. Oddly enough, I’m not traveling anywhere. I’m here to pick up my father in-law Anthony Guiglotto. I’m happy to hang out at the airport to wait for him. He’s a supremely good guy, and I love him. Since the first moment I met him he’s welcomed me into his family (I started dating his daughter 7 years ago this past weekend).

Transcript:Your15minutes Radio on Blog Talk Radio

Transcript:Your15minutes Radio on Blog Talk Radio

Tomorrow evening I’ll be participating once again in Blog Talk Radio’s – Your15MinutesRadio show. I’ve been piecing together the transcript for my show thinking of ideas, and trying to determine exactly what I’ll be talking abut, when I though it would be helpful to post the transcript from the first show – enjoy!

What I’ve Learned:

In Esquire magazine they have a section dedicated to something called “What I’ve Learned“. This is my favorite section of the magazine. You can gobble up some poignant tips on life in those pages. The format is very simple, conversational even. It’s assumed that you already understand where this person is coming from – whether they be an actor, politician, or civilian. Some are humorous, and some are tearjerkers. Mostly they follow the same pattern regarding commentary by the featured personality regarding the following topics: Sex, Death, Parenting, Faith, Aging, Power, Money.