Your World is Exploding: How Social Media is Changing Everything-and How you Need to Change with it.

Your World is Exploding: How Social Media is Changing Everything-and How you Need to Change with it.

Since the publication of Your World is Exploding on Amazon, last Tuesday – I’ve been a wreck. Suffice to say that this project has been the most arduous, gut-wrenching, terrifying experience of my life. It’s also been the most exhilarating, spirit lifting, joyful tear inducing experience. My mental state is sufficiently unstable, my emotional state – off the charts. This has been hard. And worth every minute. Possibly the most rewarding endeavor of my career – So – if you have an opportunity to download the e-book, please do so. You can get it for free if you’re Kindle Prime Member. If not, than I’m following my own advice of “giving”, and I’ m giving to you – whether you want it or not – Chapter 1 – Awakening. So, sit back and enjoy your $0.53 worth of my $7.99 e-book. Please add comments, share, tweet, post on Facebook – whatever…just let people know you were here. Side note – I keep tearing up every-time I see my book listed on – I highly recommend it – Seriously – try it one day – it’s a crazy experience. You have it in you. Start now!

Social media is a spiritual awakening, not a technological one.

I’ve been writing a book for the past five months. The book was called “Start Now” and offered detailed accounts on how to engage in social media. I gave advice on how you can find your dream job, market your product or market yourself. I wrote 14 chapters, hired an editor, and then scrapped it all two weeks ago. I started revising my book, because a simple truth dawned on me. None of the advice that I was giving would work if the reader didn’t understand that social media is a digital extension of human beings. That the explosion of social media is a spiritual awakening, not a technological one.

Transcript:Your15minutes Radio on Blog Talk Radio

Transcript:Your15minutes Radio on Blog Talk Radio

Tomorrow evening I’ll be participating once again in Blog Talk Radio’s – Your15MinutesRadio show. I’ve been piecing together the transcript for my show thinking of ideas, and trying to determine exactly what I’ll be talking abut, when I though it would be helpful to post the transcript from the first show – enjoy!

The Charismatic Personal Brand: Be Discoverable

When I was about 10 years old I played on a baseball team. I was a shy kid (we all know that changed), but at the time I wasn’t confident enough in my ability. I complained to my Dad that none of the kids on the team even knew my name. I didn’t go to school with any of the kids, and felt like an outsider. I knew that I loved playing baseball, and my coach Mr. Hart was a great guy that encouraged me, and gave me more than ample opportunity to shine.