Your World is Exploding: How Social Media is Changing Everything-and How you Need to Change with it.

Your World is Exploding: How Social Media is Changing Everything-and How you Need to Change with it.

Since the publication of Your World is Exploding on Amazon, last Tuesday – I’ve been a wreck. Suffice to say that this project has been the most arduous, gut-wrenching, terrifying experience of my life. It’s also been the most exhilarating, spirit lifting, joyful tear inducing experience. My mental state is sufficiently unstable, my emotional state – off the charts. This has been hard. And worth every minute. Possibly the most rewarding endeavor of my career – So – if you have an opportunity to download the e-book, please do so. You can get it for free if you’re Kindle Prime Member. If not, than I’m following my own advice of “giving”, and I’ m giving to you – whether you want it or not – Chapter 1 – Awakening. So, sit back and enjoy your $0.53 worth of my $7.99 e-book. Please add comments, share, tweet, post on Facebook – whatever…just let people know you were here. Side note – I keep tearing up every-time I see my book listed on – I highly recommend it – Seriously – try it one day – it’s a crazy experience. You have it in you. Start now!

Social media is a spiritual awakening, not a technological one.

I’ve been writing a book for the past five months. The book was called “Start Now” and offered detailed accounts on how to engage in social media. I gave advice on how you can find your dream job, market your product or market yourself. I wrote 14 chapters, hired an editor, and then scrapped it all two weeks ago. I started revising my book, because a simple truth dawned on me. None of the advice that I was giving would work if the reader didn’t understand that social media is a digital extension of human beings. That the explosion of social media is a spiritual awakening, not a technological one.

Transcript:Your15minutes Radio on Blog Talk Radio

Transcript:Your15minutes Radio on Blog Talk Radio

Tomorrow evening I’ll be participating once again in Blog Talk Radio’s – Your15MinutesRadio show. I’ve been piecing together the transcript for my show thinking of ideas, and trying to determine exactly what I’ll be talking abut, when I though it would be helpful to post the transcript from the first show – enjoy!

The Charismatic Personal Brand: Issue and Solution

Lately at Drive Action Digital we’ve have the good pleasure of speaking with individuals that are very interested in social media. They’ve mostly experience some sort of success and notoriety, whether it be in the local news, business, or even former American Idol contestants. These interactions have inevitably kicked off stimulating conversation regarding Joehow to leverage the power of social media to enhance these people’s personal brand. So this week, as I’ve done in the past, I’m going to offer a week long blog post break down of some of the issues presented, and hopefully offer some guidance regarding finding the right solution for you. This information has been proven, has value, and will ultimately save you time and money – so pay close attention:

Are We Too Obsessed with Facebook?

Yesterday, Mashable posted a phenomenal info-graphic that I thought I’d share with you. What’s fascinating to me isn’t just the statistics about users who have profiles on Facebook. The more exciting information has to do with what we’re doing with Facebook, and just how ingrained into our society the site has become. I’ve mentioned in the past how exciting it is that there are 500million Facebook users globally, but the real key to why Facebook has such an astronomical valuation deals with the idea that of those 500 million 250million log in each day. Facebook has become as much of our daily lives as checking our email.