Social Media: A Funny Little Story

Chris Dessi Avatar

This past Thanksgiving weekend was awesome.  I was able to spend quality time with my daughter, hang with the rest of my family, and get things done around the house that I knew wouldn’t happen if I didn’t complete them this particular weekend (Christmas decorations aren’t as fun to put up as they can be to look at).  Friday afternoon we were spent. We’d hosted Thanksgiving, and were still in recovery mode.  As the evening came upon us: for the first time in a very long while my wife and I were momentarily at a loss for what to do.  We decided to venture out to the local Borders store.  As per usual I drifted into the business section.  As a point of curiosity lately I like to spot any titles of “Crush It” by Gary Vaynerchuk while I’m in a book store. It still gives me a thrill that I know Gary personally, and his book is performing so well. And as per usual when my eyes start to tire after only reading the just in-fold of a few titles, I start to write down titles that interest me in my blackberry and commit to purchasing the audio book for my commute. As I write this, I’m on the train (probably the most productive 2 hrs of my day).   While doing this with a new title, I overheard a conversation: crush-it-resize-204x300

It was a chat between a store employee and a customer.  The first thing I was able to make out had something to do with “building online community”…as they turned the corner I knew what the customer was looking for so I reached down and grabbed a copy of “Crush It’ – as the employee asked the customer – “what’s the title” – he started to say “Crush it” as I handed it to him – “well, there ya go”!  As the gentlemen turned to leave he said something about how great he thought Gary was – so I chimed in “he sits on the board of my company”…cute little exchange.  End of story right? Wrong.

I got home and tweeted the experience.

@garyvee – I was @borders + overheard emp. +cust. looking 4 book in biz sect; “wine guy-online community”?I pass him #crushit,cust says;YES!

Gary apparently saw this tweet, as well as the gentlemen s Tweet who I handed the book to (@kevinkrautle had tweeted that someone had helped him find Crush it) – you guessed it – yours truly.  Check out his Tweet

@garyvee was at Borders in Mount Kisco picking up your book, and met a gentleman who helped me find it, who said you were on his board. Cool 7:14 PM Nov 27th from Tweetie

Gary then responded to me

@cdessi was it in Mt. Kisco?


Social Media is bringing us together. If you think we’re less connected because of technology I respectfully disagree. @kevinkrautle now have a cool story/connection revolving around Gary. Gary got to share a cool little story to his fans (Twitter followers).

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